Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Who do I call for information about one of your homes?
    A: You may call at 1.800.252.8988 for information about one of our homes.

  • Q: What is the difference between an eight-bed CILA and a sixteen-bed ICF/DD?
    A: Other than the size of the home, the main difference between a CILA (Community Integrated Living Arrangement) and an ICF/DD (Intermediate Care Facility for persons with Developmental Disabilities) is the funding stream. CILAs are funded by Medicaid Waiver grants and ICF/DD facilities are funded by Medicaid. CILA homes have fewer regulatory guidelines than an ICF/DD facility.

  • Q: Who can live in a CILA?
    A: Individuals, who have a developmental disability as their primary diagnosis can live in a CILA, provided they have the Medicaid Waiver funding to support them, or they are private pay.

  • Q: Who can live in an ICF/DD home?
    A: Individuals who have a developmental disability as their primary diagnosis can live in an ICF/DD home provided they are eligible for Medicaid funding, or private pay.

  • Q: How much does it cost to live in a CILA or an ICF/DD home? Will I or my ward have personal spending money?
    A: People who live in CILAs receive funding from a Medicaid Waiver program, and that funding, combined with the person’s Social Security or other entitlement monies, pays for the person’s stay. Individuals living in CILA homes keep $50.00 a month from their Social Security monies to be used for personal spending.

    Individuals who live in ICF/DD facilities receive funding from Medicaid, and that funding, combined with their Social Security or other entitlement monies, pays for that person’s stay. Individuals living in an ICF/DD home keep $30.00 each month from their Social Security monies to be used for personal spending.

  • Q: What is a developmental disability?
    A: Developmental disabilities include individuals with an intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy or seizure disorders which affect that person’s adaptive functioning.

  • Q: How can my family member/ward receive CILA funding?
    A: CILA funding availability is determined for the person by the Pre-Admission Screening (PAS) agency. The PAS agent will meet the individual, talk with people close to him/her, will collect information about the individual (for example, medical information, psychological information, health information, etc.), and will then make the funding determination based upon standards set up by the Illinois Department of Human Services.

  • Q: Who works in the homes, and how are they trained?
    A: Adults, aged eighteen years and older, who have successfully passed a background check, may work at the homes. All Direct Support Person (DSPs) employed by the Provider (with the exception of respite workers, job coaches, secretaries and other support staff) must successfully complete 120 hours of training (40 hours classroom and 80 hours on-the-job) in a DHS-approved course within 120 calendar days of starting to work as a DSP. Also, each staff person is certified for First Aid and CPR, and receives special training to ensure the health and safety of each person living in the homes.

  • Q: How are the homes staffed?
    A: Each home ensures that there are staff available at all times when individuals living in the home are present. The number of staff at the home at any given time is determined by the collective needs and the activities of the persons present.

  • Q: Is there a nurse on staff?
    A: Yes. Each home has a nurse consultant that is on duty to provide medical consultations, assessments, and train staff how to care for the individuals medical needs. The nurse attends specialized training to become certified as a RN Trainer and is responsible for the medical care needs of the individuals in the home. The nurse is on call for the home 24hrs daily 7 days per week to ensure continuity of care and prompt attention to the individual’s health changes.

  • Q: Who helps with medications?
    A: Specially trained staff are authorized to assist individuals with their medications and work under the direct supervision of a certified RN Tranier. The authorized DSP are trained by the RN Trainer each time a medication changes and reviews with the authorized DSP the protocols of medication administration no less than yearly. Some medications required by individuals such as injections are only given by the nurse.

  • Q: What do the people who live in the home do all day?
    A: A series of assessments is provided to each person who first moves into a home, and annually thereafter, as needed. Based upon these assessments, goals and objectives are decided upon by that person and his/her Community Support Team during the program planning meeting. Individualized goals may be established, for example, to learn how to bathe, to learn how to manage money, or to learn how to be more independent in making shopping selections and choices. Then, as a person lives his or her day, those specific goals and objectives will be emphasized by the person’s individual support staff. Staff will keep records of how well the person is progressing with achieving the goals established so his or her qualified support professional (QSP) can revise or change as needed. During the week, there are day training programs available to attend where daily living skills are taught. If you choose to live in a CILA home, the choice is given to remain at home and not attend a day training program.